Biden Admin Issues Rule To Thwart Trump Ability To Fire Biden Executive Branch Holdovers If He Wins

2024-04-05 12:00:22

One of the things that frustrated me about Trump’s (first?) term was his seeming complete indifference to #TheResistance that manifested before he even took office. Unelected bureaucrats working in the ridiculously invasive executive branch’s many agencies, publicly declared war on him, and he . . . well, he did nothing.

Until the final year of his presidency when he seemed to finally take aim at the problem in his own branch of government–we can call it the deep state, the resistance, the entrenched bureaucrats who oversee far too much policy in America and who are, apparently, answerable to no one. Not the voter, not the president.

So then-president Trump launched Schedule F in late October 2020, a new rule that would allow the sitting and duly-elected president to have a say in who ran and worked in his own (overly large, sprawling, and ridiculously intrusive) branch of the federal government.

It was a great move, one that should have been made years–even decades–earlier. It’s a running joke that you can’t fire even the most incompetent federal employee, and when said federal employees are openly (if under veil of anonymity) working against the duly-elected sitting president, we have a problem.

Heck, in 2021, then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) literally sought to circumvent Trump’s role as Commander in Chief.

And now we have Biden (or whomever is animating him) issue new rules to ensure that Democrats remain in their deep state positions, no matter who is actually elected by the people to run the executive branch as he sees fit.

The Daily Caller reports:

President Joe Biden’s administration announced its plan on Thursday to protect bureaucrats from being fired by a potential second Trump administration.

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) finalized a rule that protects employees in the civil service by preventing the removal of their status and protections involuntarily, according to a press release. Under the new rule, an administration wishing to shift federal employees to a new category making them easier to fire would have to go through an elongated process, a move meant to be more time-consuming for a future president, Politico reported.

“Career federal employees deliver critical services for Americans in every community,” OPM Director Kiran Ahuja said in a press release. “This final rule honors our 2.2 million career civil servants, helping ensure that people are hired and fired based on merit and that they can carry out their duties based on their expertise and not political loyalty. The Biden-Harris Administration is deeply committed to the federal workforce, as these professionals are vital to our national security, our health, our economic prosperity, and much more.”

The rule is widely viewed as a response to an executive order signed in 2020 by former President Donald Trump, Politico reported. The executive order targeted federal workers, removing protections from some employees and make it easier for the president to hire and fire them.

Essentially, then, we have a sitting president attempting to hamstring a potential future president over his own branch of government by ensuring that his (Obama-Biden’s) political allies remain in unchecked power, in the kind of deep state power that actually undermines the duly-elected president. How does this play out?


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Biden Admin Issues Rule To Thwart Trump Ability To Fire Biden Executive Branch Holdovers If He Wins


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